Aura Photography

By divine grace ..We are proud to announce that we have inaugurated US imported "AURA PHOTOGRAPHY" SERVICE at our Pune head office centre ..

Ours is only the ISO certified HEALING CENTRE in India which has all the latest imported BIO-FIELD machines to check scientifically - Human Aura, Chakra reports , Body detoxification tool & Healing treatment facility using various modules - Reiki , Lama Fera , Kundalini Yoga , Qi Gong , Reiki , Violet flame , Vastu Healing ..all under one roof...healing 1000+ people per month thru all our 11 centres !!!

Aura Photography :

The human aura is made up of our bodies emanations, neural thought patterns, and spiritual energies of the ambient air. Some Psychics can visualize aura frequencies. Their eye or inner eye then perceives these as colors. Similarly, the Aura Imaging technology also translates your measured frequencies into the corresponding color on the spectrum.


It is based on Bio-feedback technology calculates & captures the human energy field (HEF) of an individual through a device called Bio-sensor which picks up the energy and translates the frequency in the form of a color spectrum. Each color band depicts different vibrational frequency of that person.

For example-Violet color would show immense progress in the spiritual field, intuitive abilities and connection with the divine, whereas, Red would show more interest in power, money, physical well-being etc. Auric field of a person substantially remains the same over a period of time. As the aura is in constant motion, subtle changes in saturation, hue and volume can be noticed in the most stable auras as well. Most of the people may not be aware of certain qualities or factors about their lives, which an aura picture can reveal about them. Aura photography can provide valuable information about a person which is personal and individualistic.

The AURIC field and energy emitted by each person is captured LIVE !

Get your aura imaging done to know where you stand today and what lies ahead.

A complete Aura Test report would reveal --

  • Individual behavioural pattern - Basic personality traits
  • Success factor related to Power & Money
  • Degree of Spiritual Upliftment
  • Presence of healing powers within you
  • Development of Clairvoyance & Intuitive abilities
  • Insight into your near future
  • Karmic and Emotional blockages affecting your present life
  • Purified levels of 5 elements/ tatvas in your body :
    • earth-prithvi
    • water-jal
    • fire-agni
    • air-vayu
    • ether-akash

Chakra Scanning Chakras

The energy centers of the Aura The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word cakramwhich mean wheel. Chakras are supposedly the anchors of our spirit. There are seven major centers of energy and several minor ones in the hands and feet. They are said to spin like vortexes and emanate color. Some systems of belief say that you are aligned when your chakras all spin clockwise. Chakra can increase or decrease in size, resonance and frequency levels subject to major changes in ones life upheavals in emotional, mental, physical, spiritual states of the body will reflect in ones energy field which is invisible to the naked eye. Now, with modern aura imaging tools, it is possible to detect the presence of these energies and it is possible to see your personal AURA and Energy Vortexes (CHAKRAS).

A typical Chakra scanning test would show

  • Current alignment of your 7 (seven) chakras
  • Flow of balanced/ unbalanced energies in all chakras
  • Interpretation of positive and negative flow of energies
  • Endocrine glands & Organs affected by the related chakra
  • Direction, planet, element, mantra and position of each chakra
  • Frequency, volume, size & colour of each chakra
  • Karmic and Emotional blockages affecting your present life
  • Purified levels of 5 elements/ tatvas in your body

Full Body Analysis

Auric field of a person substantially remains the same over a period of time. As the aura is in constant motion, subtle changes in saturation, hue and volume can be noticed in the most stable auras as well.

In addition to Aura Photography, with each full body aura scanning done, one is likely to know ones :

  • Applied intellect – level of active mind
  • Ratio of Mind-Body-Spirit awareness
  • Affected body Organs and Glands and review of health and well-being in brief
  • Harmonious frequency levels of Navgraha Planetary (9 planets) positions
  • Identify low energy areas/directions of your house affecting health
  • Love Energy present within your heart

Get Complete 17 page Aura report @ Rs 1000/- with remedy consultation

For appointments in advance, Contact : Dr.Deepti : 9921662725