Reiki Levels


Every one can be initiated to Reiki. The attunement process enables the recipient to permanently open and connect to the Universal Reiki Energies on mental, physical, emotional and psychic level. It also clears and balances many important energy channels within the body. Each attunement received, opens up to higher levels of healing and understanding Universal Spirituality. It is very easy to learn Reiki. No special background or knowledge is required, so anyone of any age can learn and practice it. Attunements are given by a Reiki Master and there are three formal levels of initiation.

5 Levels of Reiki


At this level the initiate is permanently attuned and connected to the Reiki source of healing energy. Once initiated it allows a person to performing healing on oneself and others. It requires no special invocation or alteration of the thinking process to "turn on the flow" of Reiki. By simply placing the hands and opening the hart to love, one automatically brings in the energy. The First Degree is the foundation for all three degrees, and should be mastered first before the person considered for the next level. This level deals with physical issues.


The initiate is attuned again to better connect with energies that heal mental and emotional issues and that can travel across any distance and time. You can practice sending distance healing to your friends and family, even animals. The power symbol learned can be used to help focus energy for specific purposes. In order to receive this initiation, one must have been previously attuned to Reiki I.


Reiki Level 3 is another wonderful weekend where you will experience further personal and spiritual growth. Your awareness of the intensity and power of Reiki will expand. In the 3rd degree energy of the body increases & there is addition of different 2 symbols.

REIKI LEVEL IV - Master Degree

Duration 3 Days

One of the greatest joys of Reiki Mastership is teaching Reiki to others. Imagine the thrill of witnessing the members of your Reiki class receiving Reiki energy during the attunement. Then, as you guide them in its use, sharing in their joy and amazement as they experience it's gentle power flowing though them for the first time. As your students use Reiki to help family, friends and clients, a wonderful sense of spiritual connection will develop between all of you. Feelings of compassion and love for everyone will be strengthened as you merge with the Reiki Consciousness and know more deeply that we come from God and that we are all one in God.

All information about Reiki has come to us through Mrs. Takata who learned the system of Reiki in Japan in 1935. According to Mrs. Takata, the definition of a Reiki Master is anyone who has received the Master attunement and Master symbol, understands how to give all the attunements and has actually taught a Reiki class thus passing Reiki on to others. Those who have taken Reiki Master training and not taught at least one person would not qualify as Reiki Masters and should call themselves Reiki Master practitioners until they do teach. If you have taught a friend or family member, then you qualify as a Reiki Master.

Reiki Master can teach 1st and 2 nd degree to the people .Becoming a Reiki Master is a serious step that must be preceded by necessary preparation. One must first take Reiki I&II and Advanced Reiki training. It is also necessary to meditate on your life purpose and decide if Reiki Mastership is in harmony with it. Then, it is important to find a Reiki Master to study with who is competent and who you feel attuned to and will support you after you become a Reiki Master.

Becoming a Reiki Master implies that you will be able to initiate others into Reiki. Therefore, it is important to find a teacher who will spend time in class helping you practice the attunement process. Ask your teacher how much time is spent in class practicing the attunements as some teachers spend little or none.

Also ask them how much support they are willing to give you to begin teaching your own classes. This is important. Some Reiki Masters will have little interest in helping you get started as they are afraid you will take student away from them. If you are serious about becoming a successful teaching Reiki Master, find a teacher who will openly support you in achieving your goal.

REIKI LEVEL V - Grand Master Degree

Duration 3 Days

Reiki Grandmaster Level is only for the people who wish to further develop themselves into a Reiki Master. Here, they will have access to all the Reiki Master symbols and are allowed to perform attunement process on others. More complex healing cycles will be taught at this level, with the aim of expanding your Reiki influence. The word “Shihan” means a teacher. As the meaning goes, this is a teaching level and is recommended for those who are committed to Reiki and want to take up the responsibility of teaching Reiki to others but at the same time, it is not strictly denied to those who want it for themselves only. At this level the emphasis is on the ability to pass attunements to others, not on healing abilities. The student is taught to pass attunements for the First Degree, Second Degree, Third Degree and Master Degree.

This is for those students who wish to teach Reiki. It is necessary that a continuous use of Reiki and a prerequisite of Third Degree for Personal Mastery be completed before applying for the Master/Teacher level. In this level, one is taught how to do attunements, which open the recipient to receive greater amounts of Reiki energy. These attunements are not initiatory, but are designed to help you access more energy when giving hands-on or absentee treatments.

The end goal of this last level of training is to make you a Reiki GrandMaster who can initiate, teach, and train others into the art of Reiki.

Taking Reiki Mastership requires total commitment to Reiki System and a real desire to integrate it into your whole life. On this course the following areas are taught:

It you are actually interested to enter into this Energy Healing System, then don't wait and learn all Levels of Reiki up to Grand Master because becoming a higher level Spiritual Healer gives feeling life satisfaction in spiritual path. This level requires a deep commitment to the integrity of the system and the integration of Reiki as a lifestyle. It gives you the complete science for activating First, Second, Third and Master/ Teacher degrees (including complete teaching notes for each degree). It contains advanced techniques in energy activation, balance, direction and modulation for healing, transformation, integration and inner-illumination. It is not just a step up in energy; it is a way of being. The Master/Teacher level is available only upon request and interview.

Initiating others to Reiki is a sacred honor, a powerful experience, and a great responsibility. Deciding to become a Master Teacher is for the true and dedicated seekers of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power. This path is one of reawakening, remembering and rediscovering who and what you really are as a person that lives for oneness with God.


Following are the contents included in Reiki Grandmaster course:
1. Apart from Five Principles of Reiki
2. complete story and History of Reiki
3. Yoga 4. Breath meditations
5. Internal body meditation
6. Chakra Balancing
7. Brain Balancing
8. powerful symbols and there usage
9. Different healing techniques
10. Distant psychic surgery and cleansing
11. Attunement procedure of Master and Grandmaster
12. Reiki grandmaster attunement
13. The Master Symbol for attunements
14. How to make perfection in taking Reiki Classes
15. Detailed guidance on how to teach the three levels of Reiki
16. Working with ascended masters, guides, angels and archangels and how to invoke them by their names, aroma, crystal, flowers, and colored papers for solving different issues.
17. A comprehensive Manual is also given to each student
18. Given required all material for attunation.

What are the requirements for learning to become a Master Teacher Reiki?

The prerequisites to become a Master Teacher are successful completion of Reiki Master Practitioner training; demonstration of knowledge of the Reiki symbols; experience in giving Reiki treatments; and a deep commitment to the service of healing and teaching. If you have not been trained at Taproot Healing Institute, you will be required to demonstrate that you have adequate experience with Reiki foundation principles. Additionally, you need to have at least 21 days of treating yourself with Reiki Master Practitioner energy before you begin the Master Teacher training.

Advanced registration is required. The small courses are tailor made for the participating students. Master Teacher training is taught over five half days, and one full day from 9 am to 5 pm. You will be required to complete homework for each of the class sessions, including documenting completed treatments in between class sessions.