Chakra Diagram



Sanscrit name : Muladhara (root)
Location : Base of spine, at the seat of Kundalini
Symbol : A circle surrounded by four lotus petals, with a square inside it.
Central issue : Survival, stability, acceptance, self-preservation, deep-rootedness, perception, grounding, fear and safety
Color : Red
Essential oils : Patchouli, cedarwood, sandalwood
Crystals and Stones : Garnet, Ruby, Agate, Onyx, Haematite, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Bloodstone, Red Coral;
Stars and Astrological signs : Planets Mars, Pluto, and Saturn; Signs of Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn;
Sound or mantra : "Lam"
Sense : Smell
Body : The physical body
Orientation to self : Self-preservation
Goals : Stability, grounding, physical health, prosperity, trust
Rights : To be here, to have
Developmental stage : Womb to 12 months
Identity : Physical identity
Level of relationship : Tribal
Demon : Fear
Element : Earth
Hormonal glands : Sexual and adrenal
Organs : Immune system, base of spine, legs, bones and bone marrow, feet, rectum, physical body support
Excessive : Sluggish, lazy, tired, monotony, obesity, overeating, hoarding, materialism, greed, Fear of change, addiction to security
Deficient : Fearful, anxious, restless, lack of discipline, underweight, financial difficulty Chronic disorganization
Balanced : Good health, vitality, well grounded, sense of trust in the world, feeling safe and secure, stability, prosperity, ability to relax
Physical Dysfunctions : Frequent illness, disorders of the bowel, large intestine, bones, teeth, problems with legs, feet , base of spine(chronic lower back pain, sciatica); eating disorders; depression; immune-related disorders; skin problems; lack of energy;
Addictions: Food, gambling, shopping, work
Traumas and Abuses : Birth trauma, abandonment, physical neglect, poor physical bonding with the mother, malnourishment, feeding difficulty, major illnes or surgery, physical abuse, inherited traumas (eg. war, poverty, etc.)
Spiritual challenge : How well we manage our physical world;
HEALING STRATEGY : Physical activity, lots of touch, massage, reconnect with the body, grounding, Hatha yoga, look at earliest childhood relationship to mother, reclaim your right to be here;
AFFIRMATIONS : It is safe to me to be here.
The earth supports me and meets my needs.
I love my body and trust its wisdom.
I am interested in abundance.
I am here and I am real.
I trust my Higher Self fulfills all mu needs. My life is full of prosperity.


Sanscrit name : Svadhisthana (sweetness)
Location : Lower abdomen
Symbol : A circle surrounded by five or six lotus petals.
Central issue : Sexuality, emotions, financial, creativity, codes of honour and ethics
Color : Orange
Essential oils : Rosemary, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang
Crystals and Stones : Amber, Citrine, Topaz, Moonstone, Fire Agate, Orange Spinel, Fire Opal;
Stars and Astrological signs : Moon, Planets Venus and Pluto, and the signs of Libra, Cancer, and Scorpio;
Sound or mantra : Vam
Sense : Touch and taste
Body : Ethereal body
Orientation to self : Self-gratification
Goals : Pleasure, healthy sexuality, feeling
Rights : To feel, to want
Developmental stage : 6 to 24 months
Identity : Emotional identity
Level of relationship : One-on-one
Demon : Guilt
Element : Water
Hormonal glands : Pancreas
Organs : Sexual organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, the kidneys, appendix, bladder, prostate, hip area, the lymphatic system, all the body fluids;
Excessive : Sexual, pleasure addiction; excessively sensitive and strong emotions; invasion of others, seductive manipulation; obsessive attachment; emotional dependency.
Deficient : Poor social skills; frigidity, fear of sex, lack of desire, passion, excitement, denial of pleasure; fear of change; rigidity in attitudes
Balanced : Graceful movements; emotional intelligence; ability to experience pleasure; nurture of self and others; ability to change; healthy boundaries
Physical Dysfunctions : Sexual dysfunctions; ob/gyn. problems; Dysfunctions of reproductive organs, spleen, urinary system; loss of appetite for food, sex, life; chronic lower back pain, sciatica;
Addictions : Alcohol, sex, heroin
Traumas and Abuses : Sexual, emotional abuse, neglect, rejection, emotional manipulation, physical abuse, alcoholic families, denial of child's feelings, inherited (untreated incest, sexual issues)
Spiritual challenge : Negative one-to-one control patterns need to be confronted
HEALING STRATEGY : Movement therapy, emotional release, inner childe work, boundary work, assign healthy pleasures, develop sensate intelligence
AFFIRMATIONS : I accept and acknowledge my sexuality. My physical health is strong and pure.
I deserve pleasure in my life.
I absorb information from my feelings.
Life is pleasurable.
I move easily and effortlessly.


Sanscrit name : Manipura ( lustrous gem )
Location : Solar plexus, below the diaphragm
Symbol : A circle surrounded by ten lotus petals, and inside it a triangle
Central issue : Power, self-esteem, self-image, energy, will, responsibility
Color : Yellow
Essential oils : Juniper, lavender, bergamot, rosemary
Crystals and Stones : Citrine, amber, tiger's eye, peridot,, yellow tourmaline, yellow topaz
Stars and Astrological signs : Sun, the planets Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and the signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Virgo
Sound or mantra : Ram
Sense : Sight
Body : The astral body
Orientation to self : Self definition
Goals : Vitality, purpose, strength of will, vitality, spontaneity
Rights : To act and be an individual
Developmental stage : 18 months to 4 years
Identity : Ego identity
Level of relationship : Basic relationship with inner self
Demon : Shame
Element : Fire
Hormonal glands : The pancreas and the adrenal
Organs : The respiratory system and diaphragm, the digestive system, stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, the small intestine, the lower back, the sympathetic nervous system
Excessive : Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling, blaming, arrogance, manipulative, power hungry, stubbornness, hyperactivity, excessively ambitious and competitive
Deficient : Low energy, weak will, poor self-esteem, passive, sluggish, fearful, poor self-discipline, emotionally and physically cold, victim mentality, blaming of others, unreliable, poor digestion
Balanced : Feeling of tranquillity and inner harmony, self-acceptance, respect for the nature and emotions of others, feeling of unity with the rest of humanity, responsible, reliable, confidence, spontaneity, sens of humour, able to meet challenges
Physical Dysfunctions : Arthritis, digestive disorders, ulcers, colon and intestinal problems, anorexia or bulimia, pancreatitis, diabetes, gallstone, allergies, problems with the stomach and liver
Addictions : Amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, work, anger
Traumas and Abuses : Shaming, authoritarianism, physical abuse, fear of punishment, dangerous environment, age inappropriate responsibilities, inherited shame from parents
Spiritual challenge : Maturation of the ego
HEALING STRATEGY : Risk taking, grounding, emotional contact, deep relaxation, stress control, vigorous exercise, sit-ups, psychotherapy (release or contain anger, build ego strength, work on shame issues, strengthen will)
AFFIRMATIONS : I can do whatever I will to do.
I honour the power within me.
I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.
In a smooth and healthy way, I release all unresolved emotions.
I claim my personal power.


Pink, a blend of both red and white, has a gentle and subtle way of pushing things towards a resolution. It is related to the actions of the base Chakra and the heart chakra, and helps to bring emotions and sensitivity into our daily actions. ROSE QUARTZ CRYSTAL is the best known and favourite of the pink stones. It has a calming and reassuring effect. However, it can also be a powerful releaser of unexpressed emotions where they might be thwarting personal growth. RHODONITE, when polished, is a salmon pink often flecked with black. This works with the practical aspects of our feelings, and has a greater grounding effect than other pink stones. KUNZITE is a pale pink and violet stone. Having striated crystal structure it is an excellent shifter of emotional debris, and also helps self- expression. RHODOCROSITE is a delicate banded stone of pink, yellow and orange. It will help to improve self—image and self-worth, especially when problems in this area are preventing action. It is excellent for balancing the functions of the second and third chakras.


Orange is an equal mix of red and yellow, and this combines energizing and focusing qualities. It is associated with the second chakra, which deals with the flow or lack of flow within the body Creativity and artistic skills are an expression of this flow, while shock, trauma and blocks indicate the lack of flow. CARNELIAN is the most popular orange stone, characterized by a sense of warmth and a gently energizing effect. It is commonly found on beaches. It will nearly always be of benefit in healing. ORANGE CALCITE is smooth and lustrous. It is ideal for the delicate encouragement of potential, and because of its softness and watery feel, is good at melting away problems. DARK CITRINE, orange and browny- orange, is a balanced stimulator that will bring out practical creative skills. It can be used as a gentle grounding and supporting stone. TOPAZ, with its elongated crystal form and parallel striations running its length, is an excellent clearing stone that can be used to direct energy around the body. COPPER, which can be found as natural nuggets and crystallized forms, is ideal for use when a lack of flow creates stagnation and clumsiness. It has a beneficial effect on many physical and subtle systems.


Yellow relates to the solar plexus chakra that regulates the functioning of the nervous system, digestive and immune systems and the ability to discriminate and identify things. Stress, fear, happiness a contentment are all linked to this colour.

AMBER, a fossil tree resin, varies in colour from a lemon yellow to a rich orange brown, including a deep red and green. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and self-healing processes.

RUTILATED QUARTZ CRYSTAL is a clear or smoky crystal containing fine threads of golden or orange rutile crystals. It is excellent for moving healing energy from place to place, and works well with broken or damaged tissues.

TIGER’S EYE is a variety of quartz with a velvety sheen that looks like a sweet. The packed fibres and the bands of browns, golds and reds speed up energy flow and anchor subtle changes into the physical body

CITRINE QUARTZ CRYSTAL is a popular yellow stone. When it is a bright, clear yellow it will help to keep the mind clear and focused.

IRON PYRITES, known as “fool’s gold”, helps to cleanse and strengthen. It calms the digestive system.


Green is found in the middle of the spectrum and it is associated with the heart chakra, located at the midpoint of that system. Emotions and relationships are balanced here and the qualities needed for growth and personal space are encouraged.

GREEN AVENTURINE is an excellent heart balancer. It is gently expansive, allowing for an easy expression of feelings.

MALACHITE will dig out deep feehngs, hurts and resentments and will break unwanted ties and patterns of behaviour.

BLOODSTONE is a green quartz with flecks of red jasper, giving it an active balance of energy and calm. It stimulates emotional growth and is of benefit to the heart and circulation.

MOSS AGATE is ideal for supporting the lungs and easing breathing difficulties, as well as feelings of being emotionally stifled. It brings in the energy of the natural world.

PERIDOT is a vivid light green stone associated with volcanic activity. It is one of the best cleansers of the subtle bodies and will help to motivate growth and necessary change.

AMAZONITE calms and balances the emotions and helps throat and lung problems. EMERALD, the green variety of the mineral beryl, is a help to finding personal direction in activity. It brings clarity and calm to the heart and emotions.


The throat chakra, associated with conmiunication, works with this color. Communication using sight, voice, color, taste, smell — all the senses — is involved at this centre, as are inner forms of communication the way you talk to yourself, your thoughts and the ability to express yourself all come under the vibration of light blue.

TURQUOISE has been used for centuries as a supportive and protective stone. It strengthens all the subtle bodies and the fine communication systems of the body, such as the meridians.

BLUE LACE AGATE is a beautiful, banded variety of quartz that gently cools and calms. It can be used for lightening thought and works well with rose quartz.

CELESTITE is a soft stone that forms clear, delicate blue crystals Very inspiring and “dreamy” in its qualities, it is ideal for lifting heavy moods and helps with difficulties in expressing spiritual thoughts and needs. It is also helpful for throat problems.

AQUAMARINE a blue variety of beryl, stimulates the healing properties of the body. It improves confidence and the ability to stand your ground, and helps to release the flow of communication.


The brow chakra, the "third eye", is linked to the midnight blue of indigo. Perception, uderstanding and intuition are qualities of this chakra, together with a deep sense of peace and connection.

LAPIS LAZULI is a rock of different minerals that has a large proportion of deep blue lazurite as well as often being flecked with iron pyrites. It has a powerful effect, stimulating the rapid release of stresses to enable a greater peace to be experienced Lapis also stimulates the higher faculties of the mind and uderstanding.

SODALITE can look very similar to lapis lazuli, though it is usually of a less vivid blue and has cloudy veils of white running through it. It calms the mind and allows new information to be received.

KYANITE forms translucent thin blades of crystal that often look like fans. A wonderful mover of energy that is blocked or inflamed, it is calming and clearing and is a rapid restorer of equilibrium to all areas.

AZURITE is most commonly seen as small round nodules but can also forms shiny crystals. It will free up difficult and long_standing blocks in communication and will reveal those structures that are stopping us from using our full potential. It stimulates memory and recall.

SAPPHIRE can be expensive when it possesses the correct depth of color, othewise you can find good—sized crystals at a reasonable cost. It relaxes and improves the mind. It balances all aspects of the self by releasing tension and promoting peace of mind.


Violet and purple are linked to the Crown chakra located above the top of the head. Inspiration, imagination empathy and the sense of service to others are the energies of this centre. Violet and purple stones help to re_balance extremes within the systems of the body, so they can be of use when you are not sure of the nature of a problem.

IOLITE is also called water sapphire, but is no relation. It has a subtle violet translucence that increases the imagination and all aspects of intuitive creativity.

AMETHYST is perhaps the most useful all_purpose healing crystal. It is universally applicable in its uses and benefits. Amethyst is a good stone to use with meditation as it quietens the mind and allows finer perceptions to become clear.

FLUORITE comes in a wide variety of colors, though violet is one of the commonest. It can be used to great effect with the upper chakras where it enables subtle energies to integrate better with normal consciousness, increasing the practical use of ideas and inspirations. Fluorite helps with co-ordination, both physical and mental. SUGILITE is a stone with various shades of purple. It can be useful in group situations where it helps to resolve personal difficulties and brings greater group coherence. This stone is also indicated for those who are uncomfortable with their circumstances or who feel as though they don’t “fit in”.


White or clear stones are often used at the crown chakra where they reflect the qualities of universality and clarity of that centre. White light contains within it all other colors, so it symbolizes the potential to reflect all energies. White stones also reflect the energies around them. White is related to the concepts of clarity, cleansing and purification.

CLEAR QUARTZ strengthens and brings coherent energy, as does milky quartz, which has a gentler effect. All the subtle systems of the body are enhanced and clarified. A state of harmony is brought about.

HERKIMER DIAMOND is a clear, bright variety of quartz excellent for all detoxification processes and for cleansing imbalances from the subtle bodies. It will amplifr the qualities of the stones placed near to it. Clarity of mind and vivid recall of dream states are commonly induced.

ICELAND SPA is a variety of clear calcite that helps us to relate to the world in a balanced and productive way, with clarity.

MOONSTONE is white, milky, creamy or pearly in color. It has a characteristic soft luminescence from which it gets its name. It is an excellent stone for clearing tensions gently from the emotions and from the abdomen, where it can help the digestive system. Moonstone will work well wherever there is imbalance in the fluid systems of the body.

SELENITE, also named for its soft moonlight quality, is a type of gypsum. Do not place this stone in damp or wet — the thin slices of crystal will slide apart and disintegrate. Selenite is a good stone for removing emotional turmoil or confusion. It clarifies awareness and helps to reach new states of consciousness.


While white stones reflect and clarify light, black stones absorb light. White will reflect the visible, black will show you the hidden potential of any situation. Black is solidifying and manifesting. It holds all energies quietly within itself and so requires patience to explore fully Black stones are usually grounding, acting as energy anchors to help you return to a normal functioning state. Many will also reveal hidden aspects so that they can be dealt with — in this respect black stones have a purifying role.

SMOKY QUARTZ is a gentle grounding stone. It is protective and is able to dissolve negative states. It will reach to deep levels of the self to cleanse and balance, and so can be a useful meditadon stone. Smoky quartz has all the qualities of clear quartz expressed in a steadier gentler manner.

TOURMALINE comes in all colors but the black variety is called "schorl". It is a good protective stone, grounds energies with great speed, and will help to realign physical problems to do with the skeleton and muscles. As a long thin crystal with parallel striations, schorl is a very good energy shifter.

OBSIDIAN is volcanic glass. It can be pure black or have flecks white (snowflake obsidian), patches red (mahogany obsidian) or a smoky translucence (Apache tears). Obsidian is excellent at bringing imbalance to the surface so that other stones can clear it away It can also be used to find the hidden factors around situations so that the right action can be taken.

HAEMATITE is an iron ore that can be rust red but is more often a silvery grey with a metallic sheen. It will help the assimilation of iron within the body and has a supportive, grounding and centring effect. It is quietening and calming to the mind.


There are many gemstones and minerals in which a mix of colors occurs naturally. You can determine their actions from the color combinations that they display. In general, stones that display a full spectrum of color, or that contain ralnbow fractures, will be able to reflect a wide range of states and qualities and can therefore be used for a variety of reasons. Stones with a combination of two colors have specific functions determined by those colors.

AMETRINE is a quartz which shares the colors and qualities of amethyst and citrine, being part violet and part golden. It balances the mind, augmenting the imagination and the rational mind.

OPAL is perhaps the best known of the multicolored stones. With a high water content which refracts light in a multitude of ways, opal works with the emotional balance. Depending on the play of colour, the opal will naturally harmonize with different chakras.

AZURITE_MALHTTE is a mix of these two related minerals. It allows the deepest imbalances to surface and then be removed. It will also help you to express your needs in a clear, direct way.

LABRADORITE appears a dull waxy grey until it catches the light when beautiful iridescent sheets of peacock blues, yellows and oranges appear. Labradorite will deflect any unwanted energies from the aura.

HAWK’S EYE is a blue variety of tiger’s eye with gold, green and orange between deep blue strands. It is ideal for the throat, brow and crown chakras, where its rapid energy enhances the flow of information into the body.