Reiki Services and Healing Therapies

Reiki Healing Therapies Offered: Usui Reiki in Combination with Reconnective Healing. Reiki is a Natural, Holistic Therapy. It can relive your stress, anxiety, depression and generally improve and maintain your health by balancing your Chakras and Auras.

It balances your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Bodies and it releases any deep energy blocks. When these are released, it will bring the opportunity for the recipient for improved health and higher levels of energy and vitality. Reiki complements Eastern and Western medicine and everybody can benefit from it.


One of the greatest Reiki healing health benefits is stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the bodies natural healing abilities, and improves and maintains health. Reiki healing is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies and brings health and well being to the recipient. This simple, non-invasive healing system works with the Higher Self of the Receiver to promote health and well being of the entire physical, emotional and psychic body. Therefore it is truly a system of attaining and promoting wholeness of Mind, Body and Spirit. Reiki is a specific type of subtle energy work in which healing is performed by the touch of the hands, allowing the flow of the energy from a limitless source (God Force) to the patient via the Reiki practitioner.

It is extremely powerful, yet gentle energy that can be easily channelled to yourself and others, just by intention.Reiki healing is a pure energy form. When it is combined with the sincere Desire of the Healee, who is willing to effect a cleansing within their emotional and spiritual consciousness, a total healing can occur.


The body is more than just a collection of functioning parts. Since everything generates a frequency, the body and its organs have their own energy field which is continually changing. All conditions of disease are rooted in this energy system. If our "life force" is low or blocked, we are more likely to get sick. But if it is high and flowing freely, we can maintain our health and well being. Reiki Healing Energy provides means to balance the human energy fields (Auras) and energy centers (Chakras) to create conditions needed for the bodies healing system to function. The Reiki practitioner assists the client to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically by a simple laying on of hands. By the use of ancient healing symbols the practitioner channels the Universal Life Force energy allowing it to flow where is needed to bring the energy centers into alignement. The Reiki practitioner must be a clear vessel through which the healing energy flows. He/She plays an instrumental part in the healing process, but ultimately it is up to the healee to manifest harmony and balance in their own life.


A typical Reiki healing therapy lasts 60 minutes. The first session is usually longer, up to 90 minutes. In a full body session the client is lying on a table fully clothed. Short sessions can be also given to address a particular problem, where the client can be sitting in a chair or lying on a table. Depending on the level of imbalance, stress or illness in a person a series of sessions may be needed to fully restore balance. Three consecutive sessions are recommended if addressing a specific health problem. After these three session as many as needed until a problem disappears.


Because Reiki energy is not limited by time and distance, long distance healings can also be given without the client being present. The treatment lasts up to 30 minutes.

Distant Reiki Healing Because Reiki Energy is not limited by time and distance, Distant Reiki Healings can also be given without the client being present. It is easily done and works very well. Distant healing can be done in different ways. The practitioner can use a proxy, visualization or a projection of Reiki energy (beaming) or a combination of these methods. Sending Reiki is effortless. If you already attuned into a second degree Reiki, visualize the person you are sending energy to. Start by drawing the Dai Ko Myo, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Sei He Ki and Cho Ku Rei 3 times for each symbol. Sit quietly and focus on the INTENT of sending Reiki and the name of the person you are sending it. Do this for 10-20 minutes. Distant Reiki Healing may also be done at an appointed time that the practitioner and the healee agree on ahead of time. The healee agrees to sit or lie comfortably for an agreed amount of time (usually up to half an hour). The practitioner sends the Reiki Healing Energy during this time in the method that they are guided to use.