Introduction to Reiki

The practice of Reiki is an original method of healing, developed by Mikao Usui in Japan early in the 20th century. Reiki is a natural healing energy that works on every level, not just the physical, and is understood to promote the body’s regenerative self-healing ability. The National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Reiki require practitioners to have a Reiki lineage that can be traced directly back to Mikao Usui and to have been attuned/initiated in person.

There are many different styles of Reiki with many different viewpoints. “Reiki” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy’, a term used to describe a system of natural healing. This healing tradition was founded by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication.

We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us and we experience a sense of well being. There are many variations of Reiki, but in essence Reiki works at bringing us into balance and is believed therefore to reinforce the body’s natural ability to heal itself at all levels, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system.

Reiki is a healing process that anyone can benefit from in the normal course of their life. Research using animals and even bacteria suggests it has the ability to reverse stress-induced conditions. It should not, however, be regarded as a cure for conditions. As a natural form of healing Reiki can support and enhance other forms of treatment.

The method of receiving a Reiki treatment from a practitioner is simple. The recipient remains clothed and lies on a couch or sits on a chair and relaxes. The practitioner gently places their hands non-intrusively, on or near the body. There is no massage or manipulation and the whole person is treated rather than specific symptoms. It is also possible to receive Reiki at a distance.

Reiki practitioners are not trained in diagnosis and will not offer any diagnosis or prognosis. If people are concerned about their symptoms they should see a doctor. Clients may or may not feel sensations during a Reiki treatment. Benefits reported by clients/patients include deep relaxation promoting a calm, peaceful sense of well being on all levels.

Reiki is taught by Reiki Master/Teachers, who have trained in the tradition passed on in person from Master to student. Students go through a process of initiation/attunement to the Reiki energy. They are then able to treat themselves and others, not only from a healing perspective, but also as an aid to personal development and spiritual growth.


There are about 25 different types of reiki, which are off shoots from the original reiki imparted by Dr.Usui.

The most important among them are:

Usui Reiki:

Mikao Usui was the founder of reiki, which is practiced all over the world. Hawayo Takata, a Japanese woman, spread the teachings of Reiki, to the West.

Tibetan Reiki:

This form of reiki is a powerful Tibetan method of attunement and combines certain techniques from the original Usui reiki.

Karuna Reiki:

Karuna means a profound feeling to alleviate suffering, with abiding compassion towards all beings. Karuna Reiki employs sounds, endowed with the power to heal. These sounds are sacred and powerful. They can be transmitted silently through intention or chanting, to bring about deeper levels of healing. The power of Karuna Reiki is used to heal addictions.

Gendai Reiki:

Gendai means modern. Mr. Hiroshi Doi is the founder of this reiki. He brings a strong Buddhist perspective to the original reiki teachings.

Rainbow Reiki:

Walter Lubeck, a reiki master began this form of reiki. In this system, working with the seven main chakras in the body brings about healing. These chakras organize a body of light. This spiritual energy is used to heal and understand our true nature.

Five Element Seichem:

Alex Baisley in Canada founded this system. This helps us to consciously use the five elements of the universal life force or prana to promote healing.

Shamballa Reiki:

This system helps to cleanse, repair and balance the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of a person. It uses reiki energy along with many vibratory symbols and healing rays to achieve the purpose.


In this system, reiki energy is channeled through the lower base chakra rather than crown chakra. This kindles spirituality and even helps the practitioner get over shyness, or recover from trauma and other negative emotions.

Imara Reiki:

The reiki energy is used to work on past life, repressed issues and helps in long distance healing. The practitioner is connected to ascended masters and angels.

Eastern Reiki

A modern term, indicating lineages of Reiki that do not include Chujiro Hayashi. Lineages may include e.g. Usui, Soke Dai.

Gendai Reiki Ho

Modern Reiki. A system founded by Hiroshi Doi who trained with Mieko Mitsui, Kimiko Koyama, Hiroshi Ohta, Manaso and Chiyoko Yamaguchi.

Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai

Hayashi Reiki Research Society. A term used by Chujiro Hayashi for what he taught.

Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai

A modern generic term, generally indicating that the practitioner is practising Western Reiki with the addition of techniques from Japan that were released or re-released to the West from 1999.

Jikiden Reiki

A directly taught Reiki. A style of Reiki with the lineage coming through Chujiro Hayashi, Wasaburo Sugano and Chiyoko Yamaguchi?

Komyo Reiki

An Enlightenment Reiki. A style of Reiki with the lineage coming through Chujiro Hayashi, Wasaburo Sugano, Chiyoko Yamaguchi and Hyakuten Inamoto, therefore the same origin as Jikiden Reiki but closer in content to other 'standard' Reiki lineages.

Raku Kei Reiki

A style of Reiki developed by Iris Ishikuro/Arthur Robertson, adding in elements from e.g. Johrei. Many practitioners of Reiki have this style as part of their lineage through William Rand. Lineages come through Hayashi, Takata, Ishikuro, Robertson

Reiki Plus

Founded by David Jarrell. Lineages come through Hayashi, Takata, Samdahl/McCullough/Furumoto, Jarrell. The style teaches Usui Shiki Ryoho with additional metaphysical elements.

Reido Reiki

Spiritual Way Reiki. Founded by Fuminori Aoki. Fuminori Aoki learnt Western Reiki from Mieko Mitsui (Barbara Weber Ray lineage). Aoki sensei was also inspired and influenced by people in the direct lineage of Mikao Usui sensei. Reido Reiki is a blend a blend of traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. It emphasises meditation and 'living a Reiki way of life'.

Tera-Mai Reiki

Founded by Kathleen Milner. Lineages come through: Patrick Ziegler, Tom Seaman, Phoenix Summerfield, Kathleen Milner. Style includes Reiki plus additional elements.

RASA Reiki And Seichem Association

It is Usui Reiki with additions from two different sources 1. Kathleen Milner 2. Patrick Ziegler incorporating additional symbolsto the traditional Usui symbols. During treatments the Violet Flame is often used for transforming negative energy.

Tibetan Reiki

A generic term. Mostly includes elements from Raku Kei Reiki/Usui Tibetan Reiki. Lineages generally will include Takata/Ishikuro/Robertson. May also be used to mean Wei Chi Reiki.

The Radiance Technique

A style of Reiki with the lineage coming through Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata and Barbara Weber Ray. Usui Reiki Ryoho Meaning: Usui spiritual method healing method. Used by people with lineages that come through the Gakkai (Society) in Japan; Taketomi, Koyama, Doi.

Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai

Society for Usui spiritual healing method. Lineages that come through the Gakkai (Society) in Japan coming through Ushida, Taketomi, Watanabe etc. Usui Reiki/Traditional Usui Reiki generic term used by teachers to indicate that they may not align themselves to any one system. They may teach elements from a number of different Reiki styles. However, it may be equally true that teachers from specific styles named below may also do this too.

Usui Shiki Ryoho

An Usui style healing. Generally used by practitioners whose lineages come through Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata and Phyllis Lei Furumoto. Usui/Tibetan Reiki style founded by William Rand incorporating elements from Raku Kei Reiki, Usui Shiki Ryoho and, in the last 10 years, Japanese techniques. Lineages come from Hayashi, Takata, Ishikuro, Robertson, Diane McCumber/Ishikuro, Robertson, Marlene Shilke/Furumoto, Carrell Farmer, Leah Smith.